International Chamber of Maritime presents to IMO a proposal for a global carbon tax for the decarbonization of the industry

International Chamber of Maritime presents to IMO a proposal for a global carbon tax for the decarbonization of the industry

It is based on the mandatory contributions of ships that exceed 5,000 gross tons, for each ton of CO2 emitted

ICS submitted a proposal to the UN on Friday, August 3, calling for a market-based and internationally accepted measure to accelerate the adoption and deployment of zero-carbon bunkers. According to the documents delivered to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the UN regulatory body for maritime transport, the rate would be based on the mandatory contributions of ships that trade globally and exceed 5,000 gross tons, for each ton of CO2 emitted.

The money would go to an “IMO Climate Fund” which, in addition to closing the price gap between zero-carbon and conventional bunkers, would be used to deploy the necessary bunkering infrastructure in ports around the world to supply fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia, ensuring consistency in the industry’s green transition for both developed and developing economies.

In addition, the Fund would calculate the climate contributions to be made by ships, collect them and provide evidence that they have been made. ICS hopes that it will also support new bunker supply infrastructures, so that new fuels, when developed, can be made available globally and from as many ports as possible.

On the other hand, to minimize the burden on UN member states and ensure the rapid establishment of the carbon levy, the industry-proposed framework would use the mechanism already proposed by governments for a separate US R&D Fund. $ 5 billion to accelerate the development of zero-carbon technologies, which the UN IMO plans to approve at a critical meeting in November, immediately after COP 26.

In this regard, Guy Platten, ICS Secretary General, commented: “What shipping needs is a truly global market-based measure like this one that reduces the price gap between zero-carbon and conventional bunkers. “.

“There is no doubt that technological improvements can enable the transition to zero-emission shipping. However, big leaps still need to be made if we are to achieve the levels of readiness required for deployment at scale. This includes building the infrastructure. necessary to support such a transition, ”added Platten.

In addition, the ICS secretary general added that “we have to be able to put zero-emission vessels on the water by 2030 without raising price and safety issues. If the IMO supports our proposal, we may be able to change this and deploy technologies economically and equitably. “

ICS believes that a mandatory MBM based on a world rate is highly preferable to any unilateral and regional application of MBM to international shipping, such as that proposed by the European Commission.

The HCH-based rate, which is co-sponsored by the bulk carrier operators trade association INTERCARGO, is in addition to an industry and government proposed R&D fund of $ 5 billion. The R&D fund, consisting of a mandatory levy of US $ 2 per tonne of bunker, would be used in full to finance research and development of alternative zero-carbon fuels and propulsion systems. ICS has called for this fund to be approved at a crucial IMO meeting in November this year.

Platten concluded: “The World Bank and numerous studies have concluded that the most appropriate global market measure to reduce carbon emissions from shipping is a fee-based system. This will avoid the instability that exists in the markets. Emissions trading systems, such as the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, which appears to be more geared towards generating revenue for governments from non-EU maritime transport than helping it decarbonise ”.

“A fee-based system can give the industry price security and more stability to make investment decisions in zero-carbon ships and develop emission-saving technology,” Platten concluded.

(07 September, 2021)
International Chamber of Maritime presents to IMO a proposal for a global carbon tax for the decarbonization of the industry

Mundo Maritimo


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