Barranquilla’s port area accumulates an impact of US $ 12 million due to the low draft

Barranquilla’s port area accumulates an impact of US $ 12 million due to the low draft

As a result of this situation, it has been noted in the lightening of ships’ loads and in the diversion of some.

The crisis that the Barranquilla port area suffered as a result of the low draft, and the subsequent exacerbation due to the long periods of time without dredging work, have generated an impact of close to US $ 12 million. According to Lucas Ariza, director of Asoportuaria, this can be seen in the lightening of the load of some ships and in the detours that some had to make due to the impossibility of entering the port terminal, reported El Heraldo .

“We are waiting for conditions to improve; ships above 9.50 meters must enter next week and they will not have to lighten (the load),” Ariza explained.

Regarding the current situation, the union leader said that he has presented an improvement in the operational draft, while the dredging works in Bocas de Ceniza and other points of the access channel progress: “We have seen progress in the bathymetries and we are very close to to reach the design measure, which is 12 meters in Bocas de Ceniza. If that happens, it would be very positive, “he said.

He indicated that the projections for the end of the year are positive: “If the dredging work continues and what has been projected is fulfilled, it should be a record year for the port area.”

Currently, the dredge “Bartolomeu Días” is advancing with the work on the access channel after the award of the public call led by Findeter and Cormagdalena. In this phase, the removal of more than 460,000 cubic meters of sediment is contemplated to maintain an ideal width for the deep draft vessels that are scheduled for the next few weeks.

In addition, the dredging continues with the audit and monitoring of the private sector, the Mayor’s Office, Findeter and Dimar.

(September 30, 2021)
Barranquilla’s port area accumulates an impact of US $ 12 million due to the low draft

Mundo Maritimo


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