IATA: Very good first semester for air cargo

According to information provided by IATA about the evolution of the global air cargo market, in June 2021 an increase of 9.9% was observed compared to June 2019 (pre-pandemic), which led the performance of the first semester to an increase of 8% compared to the same period in 2019, this being the best semester since 2017.

For IATA it would not be appropriate to make the comparison with 2020, since last year the industry was heavily hit by the pandemic, and the comparison could be distorted. The Director General of IATA, Willie Walsh, considers that with this semi-annual increase of 8% Vs. 2019, the cargo business is generating a vital revenue stream for airlines, in times of continuous restrictions to the normal flow of passengers and their consequent impact on the passenger transport industry.

The cost competitiveness and reliability of air cargo relative to ocean freight has improved considerably. Air cargo rates, on average, relative to ocean freight have dropped significantly, and the reliability of ocean carriers’ scheduling has decreased. In May it was around 40% compared to 70-80% before the crisis.

Regarding the regional contribution, Latin American airlines reported a 22.9% decrease in international cargo volumes in June 2021 vs. June 2019, this being the worst performance of all regions, in addition to representing a weakening of performance in compared to the previous month. International capacity decreased by 28.4% in June 2021 compared to June 2019. This weak performance is mainly due to local airlines losing market share compared to airlines from other regions.

North American airlines recorded a 23.4% increase in international demand in June 2021 compared to June 2019. Underlying economic conditions and favorable supply chain dynamics remain favorable for air cargo airlines in America from North. International capacity decreased 2.1% compared to June 2019.

European airlines recorded a 6.6% increase in international demand in June 2021 compared to the same month in 2019. International capacity decreased by 16.2% in June 2021 compared to June 2019. The indicators Manufacturing are very strong in Europe, indicating that market dynamics remain favorable for air cargo and airlines in Europe.

Middle Eastern airlines reported a 17.1% increase in international cargo volumes in June 2021 compared to June 2019, driven by strong performance on trade routes from the Middle East to Asia and the Middle East to North America. International capacity in June was reduced by 9% compared to the same month in 2019.

The international cargo demand of African airlines in June increased by 33.5% compared to the same month in 2019. This was the strongest performance of all regions, but especially in small volumes (African airlines carry 2 % of world cargo). International capacity in June decreased by 4.9% compared to the same month in 2019.

(July 29, 2021)
IATA: Very good first semester for air cargo.

AirCargo Latin America


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