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Authorized Economic Operator

Dear colleagues, partners and friends,

 Although the world only got bad news about our country over the last year and more, with more than half a million death victims of the virus because of the negligence actions taken by our government, we as your partner and member have some goods news about our partnership as follows:

  1. Authorized Economic Operator

Our Federal Revenue/Customs of Brazil (Special Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil) approved our company by audits taken during the last 12 months as a certfified AUTHORIZED ECONOMIC OPERATOR, Freight Forwarder – AEO-Security, effective from today.

This is the highest compliance and security recognition existing in our country and is equivalent to the CT-PATH certification in the US. 

We are very proud of having achieved this highest security and compliance level and are at your disposal for anything you might need to know about, and for those friends and members who are not yet certified in your countries, can only recommend to undertake all and everything possible to achieve this status too. A recertification by our authorities must be done on a yearly basis and we appreciate all your help and support on this constant measuring and controlling. Should you have any doubts or comments about our performance as AEO please do not hesitate to inform me personally, thank you.

  1. Trading Services

Some of you might remember to have questionned us in the past about the existance of Trading Services within our scope of offered services, and unfortunately we had always to denie as we could not offer such services in-house as it is forbidden by law. We are now glad to inform that we just signed a cooperation agreement with a well established and extremely efficient Trading Company and would like to let you know this. So if you need to offer this additional international trade service to one of your customers or if you can generate more business for you with this please direct your inquiries to our colleague Fabian Schefer at, thank you.

We all hope and are anxiousely waiting for a normalization of the situation of a better control of the pandemic and wish you and all your colleagues and families and friends only the best, let us meet again soon personally and in the meantime please accept our kindest regards.

Hugo Buser Managing Director


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